Wern Ddu Claypit

This disused claypit near Caerphilly, in the eastern part of the coalfield, exposes a condensed sequence of late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) coal-bearing strata.

South Wales Wern Ddu Digging out exposures
South Wales Wern Ddu – Digging out the exposures

Work on improving the site was done in partnership with the site owners (the Caerphilly Woodlands Trust and the Forestry Commission), Countryside Council for Wales, Amgueddfa Cymru (National Museum Wales) and a network of local stakeholders.  It is now possible to access this site easily, and several coal seams and the associated cyclic sedimentation can be seen.

South Wales Wern Ddu Footpaths
One of the new footpaths laid as part of the project.

The site is managed by volunteers who maintain the geological exposures and maintain the footpaths and surrounding habitat for the benefit of the wider local community. Wern Ddu was our first project and it is here we learned that taking a holistic approach to interpretation was important ‒ we now create interpretation that emphasises how geology underpins landscape, biodiversity, industry, society and culture.

South Wales Wern Ddu School Visit
School visit to Wern Ddu, examining exposure of coal (Rhonda No. 2 Seam)

For more information see: http://geoconservationlive.org/site/wern-ddu/